Dear Readers

The theme of this blog, Abigail coming home, has been completed for some time now. Therefore, it's time to close the book on this adventure and call it complete.

The family adventure, however is far from over. If you wish to continue to follow the Friend family, head on over to our family blog at There you will find updates on Abigail as well as the rest of the family.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Odd Family

We get lots of strange looks here in Xi'an. Maybe part of it is that we look quite out of place. I think most of it is the new makeup of our family. People will glance at Abigail, then at us, then back at Abigail again, sizing up this rather unconventional family. They are probably wondering why she is not in school and why she is being accompanied by these very obviously un-Chinese parents and un-Chinese siblings.

In the Muslim Quarter yesterday, someone's curiosity got the better of them. We learned what went on in this conversation later when Jane asked Abigail about it. A woman in the tea shop where Deb was buying tea started an animated conversation with Abigail. I caught the words "mama" and "baba", so I knew she was talking about us. The conversation went something like this:

Woman: "Are you Chinese?"

Abigail: "Yes." [I still think that fact is pretty obvious]

Woman, looking at us: "Is this your mom and dad?"

Abigail: "Yes, they are."

I don't think Abigail thinks it's strange at all.


Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,

WOW....."Is this your mom and dad? Yes, they are!!" We're so thankful that the adjustment is going well in the major areas.

Thanks for your daily entries. We feel, in part, that we are traveling with you!

Praying for you,
De Leeuw's

Dave Meekhof said...

What a lot of progress in just a couple of days! The Sprik family is now following your blog, and would like to have Anna meet Abigail soon. They are the same age.

God Bless you,
-Dave Meekhof

Anonymous said...

Hey all. I hope all is going well. We're praying for you.

Greg and Ann Yoder

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,
Our family has been enjoying reading about your adventures. The photos are great! WE rejoice in all that God is doing for you! We continue to pray and look forward to the coming entries! We can't wait to see you all!

The Ketchams

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We are visiting Jonathan and David in Pensacola and have just today been able to log in to read your daily entries! How exciting! We are grateful to hear of Abigail's progress and even more of God's faithfulness to bring your family together! We are praying that God will continue to bless you, meet your every need, and bring you all home again safely.

Praising God with you,
The Flickema's

P.S. We're thinking it would be worth a trip to China just to ride the toboggans! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello dear friends,
Just back from Florida and thoroughly enjoying your blog! I can't wait to get online first thing in the morning to read your latest. Our God is AMAZING!!! MIT will meet and pray for you today and I will try to get a picture to you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Friends - we have loved reading about your journey and look forward to your new entries. What an exciting, God-lead journey you are one. We are praying for continued bonding, safety, and enjoyment. We cannot wait to meet Abigail when she comes home. Thanks so much for this blog :-)

In Christ,
The Brody family