Dear Readers

The theme of this blog, Abigail coming home, has been completed for some time now. Therefore, it's time to close the book on this adventure and call it complete.

The family adventure, however is far from over. If you wish to continue to follow the Friend family, head on over to our family blog at There you will find updates on Abigail as well as the rest of the family.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Brotherly Love

David is a tease, and having Abigail around has just added a whole new arena of possibilities. When she talks to him in Chinese, he loves to answer her back in gibberish Chinese, or what Chinese sounds like to him. At other times she will say something very serious to him in Chinese, and he will say things like, "Oh, yes, I love green eggs and ham. Do you too?" He taught her to spell his name on her little magnadoodle as "Cool". Now she writes that on her mangnadoodle, points at David, and he praises her for it.

She writes Joshua's name, but with a backwards "J".

They both have even colored with her, which is amazing. They both hated coloring when they were younger, but Abigail knows how to give orders, and pretty soon my six-foot-four son was kneeling on the floor, coloring a Hello Kitty picture.

I found out that she does know her ABC's and can count to ten in English.


Dave Meekhof said...

What a lot of progress in just a couple of days! The Sprik family is now following your blog, and would like to have Anna meet Abigail soon. They are the same age.

God Bless you,
-Dave Meekhof

Anonymous said...

In jail tonight, as soon as we said "Amen" after Thanksgiving, Becky asked, "Did Deb get her daughter?" So I wrote "read Deb's blog" on the top of my sheet to remember when I got home and promised Becky I would give her some info next week. Earlier today, Danita asked if I had read your blog - urging me to do so with enthusiasm! So I have read every day - you are both witty, humorous, succinct and personal in your writings. Of course, I am a soft touch for human interest stories; and this surely qualifies. thanks for sharing your stuff with the rest of us! We have been praying. Laurie VK

Unknown said...

Belated Gotcha Day congratulations!

We've been following your blog every day, and we're so happy for you.

We'll pray for everyone's health - you've still got quite a journey ahead of you!

Mark & Molly (Leah's family)

The Lokkers said...

Scott and Chad want to show Abigail how to add "er" and "est" to "cool" and then have her point at them.

I think Josh's coloring of "Hello Kitty" should go by the fall landscape pictures they drew that are hanging in your kitchen.