Dear Readers

The theme of this blog, Abigail coming home, has been completed for some time now. Therefore, it's time to close the book on this adventure and call it complete.

The family adventure, however is far from over. If you wish to continue to follow the Friend family, head on over to our family blog at There you will find updates on Abigail as well as the rest of the family.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Giant Jig Saw Puzzle

We wanted to take Abigail to see the Terra Cotta Warriors, billed as an 8th wonder of the world, since they are in the provice she is from. The warriors were made over 2000 years ago, predating the birth of Christ. They were discovered when some locals dug a well and found the pottery fragments. It sounds a bit like the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls, doesn't it?

All the heads are removable and it is obvious that no two faces are alike. It's interesting to see all the warriors that have been pieced together, and the ones in shambles that the Chinese continue to work painstakingly on.

We were too cheap to hire a guide, figuring we would just read the signs. Abigail, however would move in close whenever a Chinese guide was talking, put a finger to her lips and a hand to her ear indicating we should be quiet so she could listen. She would just listen in for free as she didn't need to hire an English speaking guide.

We really don't know if she understood what the whole thing was about, but we did let her pick out an archer warrior to take home.

Place where replica warriors are made.

This is the real example of the kind of archer that Abigail picked to take home as a souvenir.

I was standing behind Abigail when all of a sudden she put her two hands together in front of her face and bowed low before this plaque. I have no idea why.


The Lokkers said...

I can just picture Abigail having everybody being quiet so she can listen. Deb, maybe you finally have your traveling partner that will appreciate history and museums as much as you do!